December 7, 2023
Slowing down time: Artist Talk & Exhibition Opening

by Chanelle Jefferson, Fall 2023 Artist-in-Residence

Artist Talk: Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 7:00pm, 6 Prince Street Ramp Studio
Exhibition: Friday, December 8 to 21, 2023, 151 Montague Street Gallery
Gallery hours are by chance or appointment, Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm.
The Artist will be in the gallery on Saturday, December 9

Slowing Down Time is a compilation of work made during my time as the Artist-in-Residence at the Lunenburg School of the Arts.

This body of work began by immersing myself and the canvas in spaces that bring me back to centre, where time comes to a halt — on sand, next to the ocean, in grass or on the edge of a mountain. Creating outside and within the elements of nature not only encourages me to limit my materials but to continuously surrender to what the Earth or a moment in time brings forward. Whether it be on the canvas or my daily life, I am constantly leaning into the ongoing practice of presence.

Artworks were created using blind contour techniques (drawing without looking at the paper or canvas) as a method of meditation forcing me to slow down. Delicate lines are juxtaposed with bright yet soft colours created using pastels.

Something I grapple with as a highly sensitive human is the beauty, yet pain in knowing these days are limited. Individually, each artwork shares an intimate moment or story connecting you to this human experience — one of messiness, honesty and vulnerability. My hope is that this series gives you a moment to be present and an opportunity to see the world through a new lens.

Chanelle Jefferson is a contemporary artist born and based out of the South Shore of Nova Scotia. She is recognized for her use of line throughout her work as well as the spaces she creates for meaningful and conscious connection.

Her subject matter focuses on themes that connect nature, everyday observation and healing through her use of blind contour methods. She creates her line drawings without looking at the paper as a daily practice of meditation and mindfulness.

Chanelle’s work helps its viewers connect with their heart while reminding them to slow down and discover the beauty within the mundane.

She is a graduate of Concordia University (Montreal, QC) with a BFA in Studio Arts and a minor in Environmental Geology (2021), author/illustrator of My Nova Scotia Cookbook (2018) and host of the yearly retreat, Finding Awe Within the Ordinary.