October 19, 2023

Please join us on Thursday, October 19th at 7:00pm in the 151 Montague Street Gallery for the opening of “I JUST WANT TO FEEL SOMETHING” by Luke Pestl.
“I Just Want to Feel Something” is an eclectic collection of wheel thrown sculptural vessels by Luke Pestl. With a desire to break free from mental numbness and structural uniformity, Luke explores tactile and psychological disruption. Drawing inspiration from the layered graffiti of city streets, as well as the coastal and aquatic landscapes of the South Shore, the collection considers a variety of natural and manufactured textures.
The accompanying white oak woodwork was crafted by Luke using reclaimed and repurposed foeder staves – large format barrels that previously aged Italian red wine and beer produced at Luke’s brewery in Toronto.
Luke Pestl was first introduced to ceramics through a series of high school pottery classes in North York ON, where he was born and raised. During those years, Luke heavily immersed himself in graffiti art, and grew that interest to include commissioned mural work for both private and commercial clients. His early entrepreneurship expanded to include graphic clothing design and screen-printing, yacht refinishing, custom crochet hats, and coconut bongs.
Luke graduated with honours from the Biochemical Engineering program at the University of Western Ontario. He began a Master’s of Biochemical Engineering at the University of Toronto, but abandoned the program in order to pursue a career in the brewing industry. After brewing professionally for 4 years, Luke co-founded Bellwoods Brewery in 2012 where he continues as a managing partner.
Early in the pandemic Luke largely worked remotely, and set up a devoted art studio space in Kingsburg. He reconnected with pottery after sharing a wheel throwing class with two of his children. Large forms quickly became an obsession. Luke divides his time between two small studios, Kingsburg and Toronto.
Luke’s current artistic work is primarily focused on large wheel thrown sculptural vessels. Incorporating layered underglazes, slips, textured and crystalline glazes, Luke draws inspiration from the postered and tagged laneways of Toronto as well as the natural coastal and aquatic environments of the South Shore.
Exhibition: October 19th – November 6th, 2023
Our gallery at 151 Montague Street will be open to visitors, Monday to Friday, 10:00am – 4:00pm, by chance or appointment.
Opening Reception: Thursday, October 19th at 7:00pm