July 4, 2022


Making Fifteen Years is a celebration of the successful NSCAD-Lunenburg Community Studio Artist-in-Residence Program. The exhibition is a collection of artworks created by the Residents who participated in the Program since its inception in 2006. Together, they illustrate a specific time and place created for emerging artists: one year, a quiet fishing town, you can sleep upstairs.


At the initiation of Senator Wilfred P. Moore, the program took shape around simple goals: by connecting Lunenburg’s strong fine arts scene with recent graduates of NSCAD University, emerging artists could collaborate and develop depth of practice alongside established professionals, while simultaneously contributing to the vibrancy of the Town. In 2005, an agreement was made between the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design and the Town of Lunenburg. The former Town Fire Hall was settled upon as the preferred site, with adequate studio space in the former engine bays, and living accommodations upstairs. With supportive efforts from NSCAD President, Paul Greenhalgh; Director of Entrepreneurship and Business Development, Adriane Abbott; and the willingness and curiosity of Lunenburg’s Mayor, Reverend Laurence Mawhinney, the first Artists in Residence were welcomed in 2006.


This exhibition is dedicated to all the artists who have stretched into the corners of 42 Duke Street.


Exhibition Opening: July 7th, 2022 

Join us in the gallery at 151 Montague Street at 7:00pm for an opening reception.


Exhibition: July 4th – September 15th, 2022:

Our gallery at 151 Montague Street will be open to visitors, Monday to Friday, 10:00am – 4:00pm, by chance or appointment.