May 23, 2024
Save the Date!
Winter 2024 Artist-in-Residence Exhibition Opening:
Letitia Fraser

Artist Talk & Exhibit Opening:
Thursday, May 23, 7:00pm (Prince Street entrance)
Artist-in-Residence Exhibition:
Thursday, May 23 – Thursday, June 6, 2024 (151 Montague St. Gallery)

Letitia Fraser has been in residency at our School since mid February as our Winter 2024 Artist-in-Residence. Join us later this month for the exciting culmination of her time here — an Artist Talk & two-week exhibition of works created during this the Winter term.

Letitia Fraser is an interdisciplinary artist, whose work centres around her experience as an African Nova Scotian woman, growing up in the province’s Black communities of North Preston and Beechville. Descending from a long line of artists, her creative instincts were nurtured early in life. Through a combination of painting and textiles, she unearths previously untold narratives and pays homage to her community’s history of quilting.

Recent exhibitions include Family Patterns with Darcie Bernhardt at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia (2022), Every Chain at the Chester Art Gallery, Halifax (2022), Letitia Fraser at Mount St. Vincent Art Gallery, Nova Scotia (2019) and Mommy’s Patches: Traditions & Superstitions at the Anna Leonowens Gallery, Nova Scotia (2019).

She graduated with a BFA from NSCAD University in 2019. She is the recipient of numerous awards including the 2018 Nova Scotia Talent Trust RBC Emerging Artist Award and was recently longlisted for the 2022 Sobey Art Award. Her work is included in several private and public collections including the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Scotiabank, the Canada Council and the Wedge Collection.

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