Crafting the Garden


Gillian Maradyn-Jowsey
Monday to Friday, August 14 – August 18, 2023
10:00am – 4:00pm
Explore hand built forms such as vases, flower pots and garden sculptures. This workshop celebrates the beauty of botanical life in the home and garden. What could be better than learning to build a flower pot for that one special house plant, or a vase for your next bouquet of flowers? Using a myriad of techniques from slab and coil building to pinching, students will create one of a kind functional pieces. An emphasis on using the versatile Lunenburg School of the Arts glaze collection will teach students how to glaze their ceramic pieces. Decorative techniques will be used to further enrich the surfaces.
This class will cover some of the history of garden ornament through short illustrated lectures, as well as having a library of pots in class for students to inspire and demonstrate the possibilities of pot-making. All levels welcome.
Students should bring:
- An apron
- A sketchbook & pencil
Registrations for this workshop are now closed.

Gillian Maradyn-Jowsey
Gillian Maradyn-Jowsey is a ceramic artist living in Lunenburg, NS. She graduated from NSCAD University in 2017 with a BFA in ceramics, and has participated in a number of craft residencies including the NSCAD Lunenburg Community Residency, and Craft Lair at the Center for Craft in Halifax.
She has taught a number of ceramics classes at the Lunenburg School of the Arts, as well as working as a teacher’s assistant alongside Walter Ostrom and Douglas Bamford.
You can see her most recent body of work on display at the Saint Mary’s University Art Gallery in Halifax, NS. The exhibition runs from Feb 3 – April 16, 2023. You can also see her work online at and @_shelbystudio_ on Instagram.
Registrations for this workshop are now closed.