It’s Spring! Painting Fundamentals

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Heather Sayeau
Wednesday to Friday, April 30 – May 2, 2025
10:00am – 4:00pm
This three-day class will focus on colour and light and keeping your paintings fresh and bright. Students will practice colour mixing, value and intensity – how to prevent colours from getting muddy – how to apply paint to make an impact – tips on composition and simple principles of drawing.
Each day includes a morning and afternoon demonstration by the instructor followed by a short practise session. Students will be able to produce two (or three) paintings each day. Subject matter includes landscape and still life. Working on smaller canvases the idea is to get lots of practice – more is better.
Come and enjoy 3 days in beautiful Lunenburg making connections, improving your painting skills and having a great time.
Students should bring:
- oil or acrylic paint (titanium white, alizarin crimson, cadmium red, cerulean blue, ultramarine blue, cadmium yellow medium, lemon yellow)
- linseed oil
- long handle brushes- # 6, #8 #10
- odourless paint thinner ( de Serres)
- palette paper
- rags
- canvases – 8×10 or 10×10 – 2 or 3 per day ( Dollar store)

Heather Sayeau
Heather Sayeau received her Bachelor of Fine Art and Bachelor of Education from NSCAD University in Halifax in 1981, and taught Fine and Media Arts at NSCAD alongside her practice for thirty years. Sayeau is an oil painter with a focus on landscape, still life, and the figure. She has participated in solo and group exhibitions since 1982 and her work appears in public and private collections across Canada and abroad.
“I am a painter. Painting is what I do and what I long to do when I am not painting… Teaching is the wonderful offspring of painting; sharing my experiences, challenges, successes, and defeats with people. Learning the ‘toolbox’ of techniques opens the door to oneself and I am always delighted to watch students grow a new facet of their creative self. I have had the privilege to instruct students of all ages. I like to work with each student individually — helping them hone each one’s unique expression.”