Happy Hand-printed Holidays: Linocut



Inbal Newman
Friday, November 1
10:00am – 4:00pm

This one-day workshop focuses on simple techniques of relief printing to create a series of holiday cards to show and share with loved ones. During the workshop participants will learn to carve linoleum blocks, print test proofs, take rubbings of seasonal found materials, and print an edition using water-based block printing inks.

Materials will be provided, though participants are encouraged to bring flat, textured objects for printing like leaves, pine needles, lace, fabric, etc. (keep in mind such objects will end up covered with ink). Everyone will leave the workshop with about 10 cards.

All levels are encouraged to register.

Student should bring:

  • An apron
  • A notebook/sketch book
  • Optional: flat textured items




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Inbal Newman

Inbal Newman is a Wisconsin-born printmaker based in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia. She received a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Illustration) from Parsons School of Design in New York (2013), and recently received a Master’s of Design from the Interdisciplinary program at the Ontario College of Art and Design (2020).

Inbal’s creative process centers around repetition – from printmaking and designing repeating patterns, to book arts, hand-made mixtapes, and crochet.

She has participated in print exchanges, residencies, and exhibits in Canada and the U.S. including an installation of silkscreened wallpaper at the Williamsburgh Library in Brooklyn, and a recent online show, Alternate Forms of Delivery.

Inbal was the Lunenburg School of the Arts’ Winter 2021 Artist-in-Residence and Summer 2021 Artist Fellow, where she created a unique body of work entitled Seafaring Women’s Personal Ensigns, a series of hand-stitched standards (flags) designed to recognize remarkable seafaring women.




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