Lidded Vases: Wheel-Thrown & Assembled Forms


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Joan Bruneau
Monday to Friday, May 19 – May 23, 2025
10:00am – 4:00pm

Build on your wheel-throwing and hand-building skills as we explore composite vertical and horizontal vase shapes with lids. Hand building using thrown parts and lids will be explored. We will focus on developing experimental forms in this five-day workshop rather than making finished pieces. Participants’ pieces will be bisque fired and available for pick up after the workshop.

Please note: This workshop is for students with advanced and intermediate wheel throwing experience.

Students should bring:

  • An Apron
  • A Hand Towel
  • Recommended: throwing and hand-building tools: scoring tool, sharp fettling knife and/or exacto knife, small stiff paint brush to apply slurry.  The LSA offers use of a small collection of entry level tools.
  • A Caliper. (Recommended 12” – inexpensive ‘loonie calipers’ can be purchased from pottery supply house,




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Joan Bruneau

Joan Bruneau is a studio potter and educator based in Lunenburg, NS. Joan was a regular part time ceramics faculty at NSCAD University (1995-2019),  assistant professor at Emily Carr University (1998 – 2002) and operated her Lunenburg studio/storefront, Nova Terra Cotta Pottery ( 1995-2022). She exhibits and teaches workshops across North America and taught at the Distance Ceramics Diploma Programs at the Australia National University and the Glasgow School of Art. Joan was a Demonstrating Artist at The National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA) in Pittsburgh, PENN, 2018.

Joan shares her passion for experiencing beauty in daily life through making and teaching the art and fine craft of pottery. Using Nova Scotia earthenware clay, she produces wheel-thrown and assembled slip-ware informed by ceramics history, natural phenomena and ornament. Her sensuous shapes and patterned surfaces invite contemplation and inspire use.
Facebook: Joan Bruneau
Instagram: @bruneaujoan




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