Whats for Breakfast-Set?


Registrations for this workshop are now closed.

Tim Worthington
Thursdays, October 12 – November 16, 2023
1:00pm – 4:00pm

This course focuses on teaching basic throwing skills by using a structured exercise format to make a cup, bowl, plate, and breakfast set. With a focus on good throwing techniques.

These three shapes are the fundamentals and starting point of throwing a ceramic form.  The  students will complete a functional breakfast set. With the primary focus on good throwing technique. 

Students should bring:

  • Apron
  • Hand towel

Tim Worthington

Tim Worthington shares his studio in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, with ceramics artist, Pam Birdsall. He received a Bachelor in Fine Arts in Ceramics from Ohio Northern University, and a Master in Fine Arts in Ceramics from NSCAD University, in Halifax, NS (1976). While at NSCAD he gained perspective, seeing and studying pottery across cultures, from Neolithic times to the present. He has been shaped by early English slipware and the tradition of the commemorative plate, and by the strong forms and patterns of Eastern ceramics. The book, How To Wrap 5 Eggs: Traditional Japanese Packaging, was a major influence in his appreciation of form and function. The Arts and Crafts movement, and its idea that function does not preclude beauty, has also deeply informed his work.

Using a local earthenware clay, and following some of his early influences, Tim began decorating exclusively with coloured clay slips and transparent glazes. He notes that slipware demands that you decorate the pottery before it has been fired, so there is a wonderful fluidity to the process that offers endless options for truly unique patterns.

To quote Tim’s inspiring message about ceramics, “To realize an idea in a three-dimensional object is a kind of magic.”
