Crow Lab: Drawing & Painting Crows


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Michael Peters
Saturday, October 19
10:00am – 4:00pm

What better time than the month of “All Hallow’s Eve” to explore your creative, dark side with a bold and expressionistic day of making fantastic birds — full of cunning and imagination, myth and magic!

We’ll explore creating crows, ravens, and rooks, maybe even some magpies and treepies, using mixed-media drawing and painting tools, including: charcoal, India-ink, chalk-pastels, graphite, watercolour and acrylics, collage and more. Materials will be provided.

We’ll work in all sizes and everyone will have a take-away piece of art to hang on their walls or on their doors for Halloween night! Come and make some bold, “comical, grotesque, cunning, or ambiguous art!”


Students should bring:

  • An apron




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Michael Peters

Michael Peters is a practicing visual artist and a retired design professional living in Nova Scotia.

His work spans over four decades of interdisciplinary creative experiences involving: drawing, painting, photography, graphic and environmental design, 3-D design and teaching at a variety of  scholastic levels. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree 1977 (painting and photography) from Mount Allison University, and a Master of Design degree 2012 from NSCAD University (with a focus on participatory design). He was a full-time professor at Sheridan College, teaching courses in art and design, and has enjoyed teaching classes at our School since 2018.

In addition to his work as a design educator, Michael was a design professional at the Royal Ontario Museum and with prominent Canadian design firms involved the development of international museums and galleries, corporate identity programs, web and print communications and wayfinding / signage programs for a range of cultural, corporate, and government organizations.




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