Oil Painting Fundamentals 2: Techniques & Refinement


Registrations for this workshop are now closed.

Heather Sayeau
Tuesdays, January 19 – March 30, 2021
1:00pm – 4:00pm

This course will encourage development of painting practices through a variety of subject matter and technical skill building. Each lesson will include a demonstration and outline a specific topic: colour mixing – keeping colours fresh, value- using light and shadow effectively, expressive brushwork- loosening up, composition- no more boring art and proportion – how to measure positive and negative space, staining the canvas. Subject matter will include still life and how to set up your subject, landscape – cropping and editing photos for a better painting, portraiture – there are many ways to paint a face and florals. The class will look at large scale painting – using house paint brushes as well as smaller scale canvases. Students will have an opportunity to develop their own composition. Open the way to your unique, creative self with paint.

Please note: No classes are held during the week of March Break (Monday, March 15 to March 19, 2021) 

Students should bring:

  • Oil paint: titanium white, ultramarine blue, cerulean blue, cadmium yellow lemon, cadmium
  • yellow medium, cadmium red, alizarin crimson or naphthol crimson.
  • Brushes: long handle bristle brushes – # 4 #6 #8 #10
  • Linseed oil + mayonnaise size jar
  • Odourless paint thinner- Gow’s – + mayonnaise size jar
  • Palette paper pad – palette knife
  • Cotton rags
  • Canvases- 8×10 10×12 12×16 -a variety is good
  • For the 2 large scale painting sessions bring 1 or 2 house paint brushes either 1“ or 2“ and 2
  • Larger canvases- 24×24 or as big as you like


Registrations for this workshop are now closed.

Heather Sayeau

Heather Sayeau received her Bachelor of Fine Art and Bachelor of Education from NSCAD University in Halifax in 1981, and taught Fine and Media Arts at NSCAD alongside her practice for thirty years. Sayeau is an oil painter with a focus on landscape, still life, and the figure. She has participated in solo and group exhibitions since 1982 and her work appears in public and private collections across Canada and abroad.

“I am a painter. Painting is what I do and what I long to do when I am not painting… Teaching is the wonderful offspring of painting; sharing my experiences, challenges, successes, and defeats with people. Learning the ‘toolbox’ of techniques opens the door to oneself and I am always delighted to watch students grow a new facet of their creative self. I have had the privilege to instruct students of all ages. I like to work with each student individually — helping them hone each one’s unique expression.”


Registrations for this workshop are now closed.