Put A Grid On It! Oil Painting


Molly MacLellan
Mondays , February 13 – March 20, 2023
6:00pm – 9:00pm
In this workshop we will be painting from a reference image with oil paint (water-soluble) using the grid technique, which involves drawing a grid with a 1:1 ratio on the canvas and reference image.
The grid method breaks down the image into abstract shapes. Focusing less on the accuracy of the drawing, allows us to focus on the shapes, colours, and application of the paint. All technical matters necessary to create your painting, such as composition and colour theory, will be covered.
All levels are encouraged to register.
Students should bring:
- Brushes: long handle bristle brushes – #2 #4 #6 #8 (If you have more feel free to bring them along as well).
- Oil paint (water-soluble preferred). If you already have regular oil paint you wish to use, please bring odorless solvent, linseed oil and a jar with a lid. Basic colours required: Cadmium Yellow, Titanium White, Cadmium Red, Ultramarine Blue. Additional recommendations: Raw Umber, Burnt Umber, Naples Yellow, Lemon Yellow, Alizarin Crimson.
- A pallet knife (pointed end & metal).
- A piece of glass or a mirror (both without a frame) to use as a pallet, (1 square foot of surface area or larger recommended)
- A scraper knife (to clean your pallet).
- A ruler.
- A reference image to work from.
- A medium sized canvas.
- A pencil and an eraser.
- A few bright acrylic paint colours (if on hand).
- A container or jar.
Registrations for this workshop are now closed.

Molly MacLellan
Molly MacLellan is a multidisciplinary artist who paints under the pseudonym Margaret Louise. MacLellan holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Gerrit Reitveld Academie in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and a MFA in Visual Art from LUCA School of Art in Brussels, Belgium. Recently MacLellan has been focused on sculptural work, though her formal training is primarily in oil painting. MacLellan has been living in her hometown of Lunenburg for the last two years after spending five years in Europe.
Her paintings can be found at 14 Bells Fine Art Gallery in Halifax, N.S.
Registrations for this workshop are now closed.