The Architecture of Landscape


Roger Mullin
Mondays, August 24 – August 28, 2020
10:00am – 4:00pm
The sketch remains one of the most energetic, sophisticated and deeply rooted means to represent architectural space and form. In this workshop we will be drawing on large format paper, utilizing a portable lightweight drawing board (12”x18”), conté sticks (graphite + charcoal) and India ink. The drawing period involves exploratory work in areas outside the Town of Lunenburg. One day will be spent on the water sketching a landfall view of a selected coastal village or town.
Architects draw to project and present architectural work. Orthographic (2- dimensional drawings used to represent a 3-dimensional objects) views of plan, section and elevation carry 3-dimensional information and have their particular strengths for considering arrangement, space, structure and appearance.
The clarity of the orthographic sketch will allow the workshop to study and appreciate the complex conditions landscape and building that make up this geographic region and epitomize coastal settlements and seaport towns.
This session invites participants to draw landscape views directly as a means to represent conditions of dwelling in the landscape a variety of scales. The primary focus will be on landscape with a secondary focus on buildings and infrastructure. Over several days participants will build and develop drawing skills. Collective review sessions will take place and the start, middle and end of each day. Participants can utilize instructor feedback to further their own drawing aspirations. This course is recommended for all levels.
Registration includes a blank wire-bound sketchbook for each participant.
Students Should Bring:
- Pencil/pen
- Apron (optional)
Registrations for this workshop are now closed.

Roger Mullin
Roger is an Assistant Professor of Architecture at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He practiced Architecture in Canada, the USA and Germany and has lectured in Canada, the USA, Africa, Norway and Ireland. His work has been published in OnSite magazine, Building magazine, the Journal of Architectural Education and the Welsh journal, MADE. He is currently a full-time tenured faculty member at Dalhousie University.
Roger continues to offer drawing workshops in Canada, Croatia and Europe. He is especially excited and honoured to be returning to Lunenburg to work with the LSA and interested participants during the Summer of 2020.
Roger was profiled in Promising Young Architects, Making Their Mark, in the National Building News magazine and selected as one of eight critical architects to participate in a national lecture series and exhibition titled: ‘The Roadshow: Architectural Landscapes of Canada’.
In 2006, he participated in the collaborative project. ‘Le Theatre Petit Cercle’ which was awarded the Lieutenant Governor General of Nova Scotia Masterwork Arts Award, the Associate Collegiate Schools of Architecture’s Best Collaborative Practice Award, and the Design Exchange and the National Post’s Gold Award for Best Public Commercial Building in Canada.
In 2013 Roger was the Iver Jaks Artist in Residence in Karasjok, Norway. His residency work utilized methods of drawing and sculpture to study the mystical landscapes of the indigenous Samisk Peoples of Finnmark. This work was exhibited at the Sami Centre for Contemporary Art in June of 2014. Roger’s collaborative design build work in Norway was part of the Norwegian submission to the 2016 Architecture Bienalle in Venice, Italy. Roger recently completed a design build and a drawing excursion in Iceland with students of architecture, sculptors and the Forestry Association of Iceland.
Registrations for this workshop are now closed.