Youth Art Week: Puppeteering Camp


Ali J. Eisner
Mondays, August 17 – August 21, 2020
10:00am – 4:00pm
Have you ever wondered how a puppeteer makes a puppet come to life? This workshop guides students in learning how to puppeteer for stage and screen. Ages 9-12 will learn the fundamental basics of Puppet manipulation, developing characters, and using a monitor. Training focuses on storytelling, developing improvisation skills and creating voices/characters to let your inner puppeteer out to meet the world. A variety of puppets will be provided – all you need is imagination! See you there, Puppeteers!
Registration includes a Lunenburg School of the Arts tote bag and blank wire-bound sketchbook for each participant.
Students Should Bring:
- Pen/pencil
- Water bottle
- Lunch
- And wear comfortable clothing!
Registrations for this workshop are now closed.

Ali J. Eisner
Ali J. Eisner has worked extensively both in front of and behind the camera for more than two decades as a Director, Creative Producer, Writer, On-Air Puppeteer & Composer. 2019 Juno Award winning and 3 time Gemini Award nominee has created and starred in network programs for CBC, TV Ontario, YTV, FOX, Disney, Nickelodeon and NBC. Highlights include extensive creative work with Canadian musicians, collaborating in a wide range of mediums. Ali’s goal is to educate and entertain kids and adults in hopes that we can all be ourselves, together.
Registrations for this workshop are now closed.