The Architecture of Landscape
Roger Mullin
Mondays, August 24 – August 28, 2020
10:00am – 4:00pm
The sketch remains one of the most energetic, sophisticated and deeply rooted means to represent architectural space and form. In this workshop we will be drawing on large format paper, utilizing a portable lightweight drawing board (12”x18”), conté sticks (graphite...

Summer Screen Printing
Maria Doering
Mondays, August 24 – August 28, 2020
10:00am – 4:00pm
This weeklong class will cover the joys of screen printing on paper with a focus on creating colourful imagery by using hand-cut stencils and screen filler. By the end of the week students will be comfortable with mixing inks, registering...

Youth Art Week: Puppeteering Camp
Ali J. Eisner
Mondays, August 17 – August 21, 2020
10:00am – 4:00pm
Have you ever wondered how a puppeteer makes a puppet come to life? This workshop guides students in learning how to puppeteer for stage and screen. Ages 9-12 will learn the fundamental basics of Puppet manipulation, developing characters, and using...

A Lunenburg Sketch-About
Michael Peters
Mondays, August 17 – August 21, 2020
10:00am – 4:00pm
This is a course for people of all ages and skills who want to draw and paint, whether on location or in the classroom, with confidence and an easy-going enthusiasm! No experience is necessary and all levels are welcome. Working...

Youth Art Week: Every Child is an Artist
Jason Skinner & Ali J. Eisner
Mondays, August 10 – August 14, 2020
10:00am – 4:00pm
“Every child is an Artist… the problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” (Pablo Picasso) This incredible, 5-day course offers youth ages 9 – 12 a chance to explore a variety of art mediums and techniques....

Plein Air Watercolour: Coastal Landscapes
Tom Ward
Mondays, August 10 – August 14, 2020
10:00am – 4:00pm
This workshop is about painting watercolour landscapes on site. There are some wonderful areas around Lunenburg, which are terrific places for marine landscapes. Our five days of classes will address the challenges of colour, value, and composition while painting outdoors....

Egg Tempera Painting: Mastering the Art
Tom Forrestall & William Forrestall
Mondays, August 3 – August 7, 2020
10:00am – 4:00pm
The Egg Tempera course will offer participants a new creative and expressive relationship with this most ancient of painting mediums. The course designed for both novices and experienced painters, includes an introduction to the practice of egg tempera painting by...

Youth Art Week: Creative writing for Kids with The Writers Federation of Nova Scotia (“WFNS”)
Linda Hudson & the WFNS
Mondays, July 27 – July 31, 2020
10:00am – 4:00pm
This workshop for ages 11-13, will be an adventure into expanding the creative mind, and expressing it through images and the written word. Participants will discover and explore character development, build description through observation, and play with figurative language. The...

How to Paint in Watercolour
Michael Peters
Mondays, July 27 – July 31, 2020
10:00am – 4:00pm
This pleasant 5-day course is aimed at anyone who wants to explore the wonderful and spontaneous world of watercolour. Daily, plein-air painting excursions will be supported by instruction and simple, studio-based demonstrations. A variety of artist’s tools, materials and techniques...

Paint the Town! Oil Painting
Heather Sayeau
Mondays, July 13 – July 17, 2020
10:00am – 4:00pm
This workshop will focus on painting both the architecture and the landscape of Lunenburg. Each day will begin with a demonstration in the studio. Students will then depart, set up portable easels and paint en plein air in the town...

Pattern and Print: An Exploration of the Ceramic Surface
Walter Ostrom and Martina Lantin
Mondays, June 29 – July 10, 2020
9:00am – 4:00pm
This two-week workshop will focus on the multiple ways to enhance thrown and hand built ceramic forms through colour and pattern. The workshop is open to advanced students. Applicants must submit a resume of experience and six (6) images of...

Texture, Colour, & Line: Surface Design
Marla Benton
Mondays, July 13 – July 17, 2020
10:00am – 4:00pm
This week-long workshop will focus on experimenting on the surface of clay. A variety of methods will be demonstrated which will include printmaking techniques and hand building with clay! Through discussion on design and patterning, participants will create their own...